Sustainable espresso filter papers

We believe that every business has a responsibility to take action on climate change, and we are doing our bit, by ensuring you can purchase sustainable espresso filter papers. Our climate strategy has four parts:


  • We choose suppliers and materials with the lowest carbon footprint
  • We offset the emissions of our operations
  • We are committed to achieving net zero over the long term
  • We are members of the Shopify Planet program


Each part of our strategy is described in more detail below:


Suppliers and Materials


In establishing our business, we chose partners who share our commitment to sustainability and who are taking steps to reduce their environmental impact. So, for example, for our raw material suppliers, utilities provider, cloud services, delivery company, we selected the most sustainable, lowest footprint option we could find. Our espresso filter papers are made in the UK, from sustainably-sourced European paper. Our products aren't shipped half way around the world before they get to you, and we have full traceability. We will continue to review our partners over time to ensure we are minimising our impact.


We also use sustainable and ecologically sound materials wherever possible: recycled, recyclable, biodegradable, free from plastics. Where this is not possible today due to limitations of technology or processing requirements, we are committed to working with partners and suppliers to find a solution.


Emissions offsetting


We work with the most trustworthy UK partner in the small business sector to offset our greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by buying carbon credits from certified and audited carbon avoidance and removal projects. Today this means that we have a climate positive workforce and that we offset the emissions related to shipments and deliveries. We also use publicly available data to estimate the GHG emissions of the paper manufacturing and we offset that too.


As part of our net zero strategy, in future this will mean working with our supply chain to understand all the direct and indirect GHG emissions related to our products, and offsetting all of our residual emissions. Watch this space!


Net zero


The Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) provides a clear definition of net zero for businesses, including SMEs (small and medium enterprises), in line with the emission reduction targets of the Paris Agreement, and a robust framework for achieving it.


We are committed to achieving SBTi-defined net zero: reducing our direct and indirect (so-called scope 1, 2 and 3) emissions to zero or to a residual level that is aligned with the 1.5C target in the Paris agreement, and neutralising (offsetting) residual emissions. We commit to achieving this well before the 2050 long-term target. Getting there is not going to be simple, but we are up for the challenge. We will update this page as we advance towards our goal.


We believe that it is important for businesses to take a leadership role in addressing climate change and we are proud to be doing our part. We will continue to work toward a sustainable future.


The Shopify Planet program


As well as the emissions offsetting just discussed, we participate in a large scale offsetting program run by Canadian ecommerce platform Shopify. We do this because we believe in the vision, because the carbon removal companies supported by the program are doing terrific, innovative work, and because a program of this scale offers great value for money in terms of environmental impact. Let's take a look at some of the highlights.


Together, participating businesses have…


  • Removed more than thousands of tonnes of carbon from the atmosphere
  • Provided carbon-neutral shipping for more than millions of orders


Here's how it works: For every order we receive, a formula is used to calculate the estimated shipping emissions. Based on those estimates, a portion of our revenue goes to carbon removal companies that have been vetted by scientists from Carbon Direct. Those companies use that money to remove however much carbon our shipments created. Any extra funds go toward the further development of carbon removal technologies.


Let's meet a few of the companies removing carbon from the sky.


Grassroots Carbon

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Grassroots Carbon helps ranchers modify land management practices to improve soil and ecological health, which captures and stores more carbon in soil.


Mast Reforestation

Drones over a forest


Mast Reforestation combines proven forestry practices with new technology to regrow healthy, resilient, climate-adapted forests lost to wildfires. Mast’s services include seed collection, seedling cultivation, reforestation services, and financing based on high-quality carbon removal credits.